Ingmar Bergman may have meant the tank rumbling down the empty night street in The Silence as a phallic symbol. But if he did, it was a foolish thought. (“Never trust the teller, trust the tale,” said Lawrence.) Taken as a brute object, as an immediate sensory equivalent for the mysterious abrupt armored happenings going on inside the hotel, that sequence with the tank is the most striking moment in the film. Those who reach for a Freudian interpretation of the tank are only expressing their lack of response to what is there on the screen.
戈薇好可爱哦~ 我总算明白为甚么某个朋友喜欢杀生丸. ...但是我喜欢台湾a版古装片倩女幽魂~ 总算看完了~~~完结篇也看完了. 感觉上还是有点不是我的风...尤其是最后硬是让戈薇在战国时期生活...